Archived Sermons


Give me one hundred preachers who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God –
John Wesley


28 Oct 2017 – Almost a Christian


23 Oct 2017 – Turn the Other Cheek 


15 Oct 2017 – When the Dreamer Stops Dreaming


8 Oct 2017 – Fear, Faith, & Forgiveness


1 Oct 2017 – Wounded & Broken


24 Sept 2017 – He Only is My Rock


17 Sept 2017 – Joseph,  A Really Dysfunctional Family


10 Sept 2017 – Dare to Dream


3 Sept 2017 – Light at the End of the Tunnel


27 August 2017 – To Whom Much is Given


20 August 2017- God’s Work in Tanzania


13 August 2017 – Is There Really a Hell?


6 August 2017 – Is There Only One True Religion?


30 July 2017 – Are Marriage and Sex Religious Issues?


23 July 2017 – Why Can’t I See God’s Will for My Life?

16 July 2017 – Science or Faith?

18 June 2017 – We Believe in the Church and the Communion of Saints

11 June 2017 – We Believe in Jesus Christ

4 June 2017 – We Believe in the Holy Spirit

28 May 2017 – We Believe in God the Father Almighty

21 May 2017 – If God is for Us

14 May 2017 – Calm in the Chaos

7 May 2017 – The Perfect Storm

30 April 2017 – When Friends Fail

23 April 2017 – A Man Called Job

16 April 2017 – When will the Resurrection Dawn

2 April 2017 – Following in the Footsteps of Jesus: The Woman at the Well

26 March 2017 – Following in the Footsteps of Jesus: A Lesson in Water Walking

19 March 2017 – Following in the Footsteps of Jesus: The Upside Down Kingdom

12 March 2017 – Following in the Footsteps of Jesus: The Healing Ministry of Jesus

5 March 2017 – Following in the Footsteps of Jesus: Baptism and Temptation in the Wilderness

26 Feb 2017 – Following in the Footsteps of Moses:  The Promised Land

19 Feb 2017 – Following in the Footsteps of Moses: Lessons from the Wilderness

12 Feb 2017 – Following in the Footsteps of Moses : The Ten Commandments: Law or Grace?

 5 Feb 2017 – Following in the Footsteps of Moses: The Exodus

29 Jan 2017 – Following in the Footsteps of Moses: The Burning Bush

22 Jan 2017 – Following in the Footsteps of Moses: Four Women and a Pharaoh

 8 Jan 2017 – Whose Star Are You Following?

1 Jan 2017 – The Seventh Day of Christmas (The Gifts of the Holy Spirit)

4 Dec 2016 – By the Waters of Babylon We Wept

27 Nov 2016 – He Sets the Prisoner Free

13 Nov 2016 – Staying Content (No Matter What)

6 Nov 2016 – The God Who Opens Doors

30 Oct 2016 – Life of Paul: Called to be Faithful

23 Oct 2016 – But Have Not Love

16 Oct 2016 – Called to Suffer

9 Oct 2016 – Called to Go

2 Oct 2016 – Called to Follow Christ

18 Sept 2016 – Unconditional Love

11 Sept 2016 – God Loves Imperfect People

4 Sept 2016 – It’s Coming Together

28 August 2016 – God of the Broken Heart

21 August 2016 – Wesley Part III – What is Grace?

14 August 2016 – Wesley Part II – A Faith for Our Times

7 August 2016 – Wesley Part I

31 July 2016 – Playing it Safe

24 July 2016 – Having an Even Now Faith

17 July 2016 – What is the One Thing?

10 July 2016 – Jericho Road

3 July 2016 – Grow Your Pearl

26 June 2016 – Who is the Third Person of the Trinity?

19 June 2016 – The Centurion

5 June 2016 – Don’t Settle for Less

22 May 2016 – Made in the Image of the Triune God

15 May 2016 – Keep Your Fires Burning

8 May 2016 – The Valley of Blessing

24 April 2016 – One Body, One Spirit

17 April 2016 – Resting in God’s Grace

10 April 2016 – Accepting People for Who They Are

3 April 2016 – The Third Day God

13 March 2016 – Walking Through Your Dark Valley

6 March 2016 – Covered with Mercy

28 February 2016 – Having a do it now Faith

21 February 2016 – When the Compass Fails

14 February 2016 – Resisting Temptation

7 February 2016 – The Mountain Top Experience

24 January 2016 – Prepare Ye The Way of the Lord

17 January 2016 – It Wasn’t About the Wine

10 January 2016 – The Beloved

3 January 2016 – Are You Lost in Your Journey?

27 December 2015 – The Joy of Giving

24 December 2015 – Christmas eve message – The Gift of Doubt

6 December 2015 – Joseph’s Journey: Being Right or Being with God

29 November 2015 – Mary’s Journey

22 November 2015 – Facing Your Giants

15 November 2015 – Healing the Shattered

8 November 2015 – Relational Holiness

1 November 2015 – An Unshakable Faith

18 October 2015 – It is in your DNA

27 September 2015 – Streams of Living Water – The Word Filled Life and The Spirit Filled Life

20 September 2015 – Streams of Living Water – The Contemplative stream and the Social Justice Stream

13 September 2015 – Hearing from God

6 September 2015 – The Journey Toward Transformation

23 August 2015 – You are going to have to serve somebody

16 August 2015 –  Life with God

9 August 2015 –  A Woman, Her Son, and the Dragon – Resistance, Death, and Resurrection

2 August 2015 – A Picture is worth a Thousand Words

26 July 2015 – John the Seer Prophet Extraordinaire

19 July 2015 – Reading Revelation

12 July 2015 – The Love of God will Wreck Your Life

5 July 2015 – Esther

28 June 2015 – Scars

21 June 2015 – Stay in Love with God

14 June 2015 – Do Good

7 June 2015 – Do No Harm

31 May 2015 – The Question of Nicodemus

24 May  2015 – The Third Rail

17 May 2015 – Final Farewell

10 May 2015 – If You Need a Friend

3 May 2015 – Growing Grapes