The Virtue filled Life


The Holiness Tradition or The Virtue Filled Life is simply a life that works.  A life that works is one free of addictions, shame, and guilt.  This is not some legalistic exercise,   John Wesley understood Holiness in terms of love.   The Holiness tradition seeks to remove the chains of this world from our lives so that we might be the amazing person that God’s love seeks to grow us into.  We love others and ourselves because He first loved us and His love sets us free!

How do we begin to embrace the Holiness Tradition?  You might begin with exploring the lives of people like Dietrich Bonhoeffer who was martyred during the Second World War or the founder of the Methodist movement, John Wesley.  And there are countless other examples of those who have lived an abundant life through surrendering direction of that life to Christ.

The virtue filled life seeks to give us a way to make God the center of all our life choices, what we eat, where we spend our money, even how we live with grief.

Your readings then might include

  • “Made for Paradise: God’s Original Plan for Healthy Eating, Physical Activity, and Rest” By Patricia Hart Terry

  • “Living the Sabbath: Discovering the Rhythms of Rest and Delight” by Norman Wirzba

  • “Community, Eucharist, and Spirituality” by Kenan B. Osborne

  • “Life Together” by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

  • “A Plain Account of Christian Perfection” by John Wesley

  • “Total Money Makeover” by Dan Ramsey

  • “A Grief Observed” by CS Lewis

  • “The Rule of Benedict: A Spirituality for the 21st Century” by Joan Chittister

  • “Knowing Darkness: On Skepticism, Melancholy, Friendship, and God” by Addison Hodges Hart

  • “Living the Sabbath” by Norman Wirzba

  • “The Celebration of Simplicity” by Penelope Wilcock

  • “Food & Faith: A theology of eating” by Norman Wirzba

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