From the cowardice that dares not face new truth, from the laziness that is contented with half-truths, from the arrogance that thinks it knows all truth, Good Lord, deliver me.
The Evangelical Tradition or the Word Filled Life takes seriously God’s revelation in Scripture. This is the tradition of the Bereans of whom Acts 17:11 says, “they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.” The Evangelical Tradition further embraces Paul exhortation to always be prepared to make a defense (an apologia) for the faith. 1 Peter 3:15. The Word Filled Life does not run from defending our faith in the market place of ideas. Finally, the Evangelical Tradition proclaims, along with Scripture, that we are to love God with all our mind and, ” be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:2.
This takes study, “It cannot be that the people should grow in grace unless they give themselves to reading. A reading people will always be a knowing people. ”
― John Wesley
To learn more explore the following resources:
Recommended Readings:
How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth by Fee and Stuart
The Real Face of Atheism by Ravi Zacharias
Faith Has its Reasons by Boa and Bowman
Reading Revelation Responsibly by Michael Gorman
Reversed Thunder by Eugene Peterson
The Sermon on the Mount by Dale Allison
The Drama of Ephesians by Tim Gombis
CS Lewis
The Weight of Glory
Mere Christianity
The Great Divorce